
Warby Parker

Helping modernize Warby Parker's website during the golden years of eCommerce.

In 2013, Taylor Pemberton worked with Warby Parker's internal design and user experience teams to explore a site-wide visual audit to identify inconsistencies across Warby's website. Taylor worked with key members of the design and creative team to make recommendations for consistency and provide new design directions. Their current website has since been updated, however, the top navigation, hero, body, and product grid treatments remain similar.

The prototype below is for presentation purposes only.

Research and UI audit

Pemberton began the project by performing a full UI sweep across—resulting in a mix of button styles, font variations, color treatments, and grid alignments.

This audit revealed a clear need toward consolidating and redesigning visual components across the primary pages and navigation. These touchpoints were imperative as Warby Parker grew as a disruptive eCommerce brand.

Here’s a look at old UI vs. new UI

Which was then formalized into a tighter design system.

Next, was applying this language to the product detail, product category, and location pages.

Project tags:
Project credits:
Design director: Steph Wu
Direction of UX: Tim Riley
Photo/illustration: Warby Parker

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